
2. Introduction

IMUNES is an Integrated Multiprotocol Network Emulator / Simulator of IP based networks. Virtual nodes in IMUNES are multiple network stack instances that are formed through special FreeBSD kernel modifications and Docker containters on Linux. Virtual nodes can be linked either with other virtual nodes or with the physical network interface through simulated links. All virtual nodes share a single place for their application binaries and libraries. The main strengths of this tool are high scalability, performance and fidelity.

2.1 Document overview

This document is intended to be a manual for users that are getting started with IMUNES, likewise for the ones that want to know more about its advanced features.

This manual is divided into three main parts: User Interface Layout, Quick Intro and Advanced Usage.

The first part, User Interface Layout, gives detailed description of IMUNES graphical user interface.

The second part, Quick Intro, is intended to prepare beginners to get a working network simulation in a short time. It gives detailed explanations for building, configuring and simulating a simple network. At the end it gives instructions related to IMUNES configuration files.

The third part, Advanced Usage, gives instructions for extending the network topology built in the first section. It also explains the usage of additional tools and configuration possibilities. It proceeds with features for customizing look, such as annotations, background image and icon size. At the end, it gives instructions related to event scheduling, starting and terminating simulation through command-line interface and himage, hcp and vlink commands.